Our Vision

church03By planting a new neighborhood church at the north end of our town, a number of families will come to faith. Worship will be accessible and informal. We will have a practical concern for the local community.

A programme of nurture and teaching alongside growing fellowship will lead people into a deeper spiritual experience.

A Vision for 5 years hence: Growth in attendance, of 15% per year for the last five years, has allowed us to expand our offering of worship styles on a Sunday morning. This growth seemed to stem from highly successful ecumenical celebrations and the increased prayer fullness of our church, both individually and corporately. It’s great to see people spending time with God. Most of the congregation meet weekly in some form of prayer group.

We will become a growing church where all ages can grow in faith and receive spiritual support, and with a reputation for loving service to the local community.

Jesus is calling us to become a church known in the community for open doors, acts of grace, spirit-led worship and growing leaders.

Our vision is: “to become a visible community of Christ-like relationships, building a spiritual legacy of encouragement and hope for Bangalore and the world.”